March 31, 2013


I'm writing this blogpost at 2:23a.m just after I got home from the mass, Happy Easter everyone! I was really anticipating the easter where we can freely eat meat again during Fridays (for catholics) I know that most of us even non-catholics have this thing about meat during Lent; for sacrifice.

SACRIFICE, a word known to all of us, the twin of pain, for when there is sacrifice there is Pain. My sacrifice wasn't only to hostile myself from blogging but I also had my ipad off for 2 days, I know this isn't enough to describe the pain of Jesus or the Messiah when he was crucified, but at the least I'm doing something.

I've been mumbling the word; sacrifice, I don't know if I'm just too sleepy that I can't fathom my words anymore or I'm just too scared to write Pain again (like my Philo Paper) uhhhh.

My real point here is that, we shouldn't only value sacrifice when it's Holyweek or when it was told, I think we have to sacrifice a loooot in order to survive, we need to have this certain bravery for the sake of others and not only for ourselves. It's important to consider others. It would be painful, yes, but  we always need to be reminded that pain leads us to wonderful things, look what Jesus had become. He changed the world, by dying on the cross.

Sacrifice doesn't only mean, not eating meat during Fridays; sacrifice is beyond that, for the sacrifice is not a tradition, it's a choice, you have to put meaning to it and you have to understand why you are doing it. Sometimes, genuine sacrifice starts when you truly felt love. Jesus loves us all that he is willing to sacrifice his life, in order for us to be saved from darkness.

Happy Easter! Continue loving.

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