September 13, 2015

Things are not always the way we want them to


Allow me to start this letter by telling you a tragic story.

On August 21, 2005 I lost my whole favorite sticker collection. I cried for days and I was devastated. From then on, 21 have been an unlucky number for me.

I’ve always had bizarre imaginations before a certain event happens. I was scared of turning 21 because I felt like it would be an unlucky year for me. But, why would I bother? It’s just a lame superstitious belief, irrational as it always sounds. I eventually planned out what to do for my birthday. It was exciting, of course. You could just imagine how excited and happy I was to get that drinking party perfect!

Sometimes, we assume, we expect and we get too caught up with our emotions. Then, we imagine things that aren’t supposed to be, we fall in love with illusions, and we try to get our hopes up. However, things are not always the way we want them to and that’s when we fall apart.

My 21st birthday party was a liberating experience (I tell you, it wasn’t just because of too much drinking hahaha). But, I didn’t get to perceive, why it still felt dull and incomplete. It’s not because it was boring (no, as a matter of fact, it was fun).  It was liberating; a party with an honest release of sentiments and a lot of cheering for future colleagues and dreams. Yet, I still don’t understand why I didn’t feel genuinely happy. I guess I miss my long-time friends (who knows me really well), who would gather everything and everyone just to surprise me, and although I’m always a crybaby, they’d still want to see me cry. Later that night, I felt homesick and I just want to go home. But I couldn’t.

It’s hard for me to write this letter because I always wanted to share happy memories of my birthdays, like it’s a chapter from a chic-lit novel. I want to be giddy about it. I want to rewrite the “sweet heart loving dancing in the dark” debut. I want to tell you how each of them made me feel loved and special. And, for once in my life I felt like I belong to somebody. I don’t need to think negatively of the night I got to turn the age of unluckiness. 

But it didn’t happen. Things are not always the way we want them to. I’m awfully sorry for feeling this way, when I shouldn’t be.

“So Anna, what is your wish for your birthday?” “I just want to be happy.”

When I lost my collection of stickers, I didn’t know what to do after crying everything out. How did I eventually get over them? I don't remember exactly. Maybe, I managed to outgrow collecting stickers or maybe I managed to overcome the pain.

I wrote this letter, to thank everyone, especially those who, absent-mindedly, made me feel better (and also, made me realize that there is more to life than parties hahahaha). My birthday wouldn't be grand without you. I am completely grateful. Despite having setbacks and dramas, I ultimately ended the day with a smile on my face. Things are not always the way we want them to, but that's okay.

Happy 21st Birthday, Anna Patricia!  21 is not an unlucky number anymore. 

The sweeter anna

P.S. Happy Birthday also to my birthday-mates, Noemae and Alexes!!!