September 19, 2014

This letting go

Dear Anna Patricia, 

On your twenties, I would not say something like "Be mature!" No, no, instead I would like you to enjoy your life freely, as you always have. 

Do not take too much drama. Instead, open yourself to different emotions that will let you burst out crying and laughing all at the same time. Be crazier.

Be a Certified Public Accountant not because you need to prove people who have wrongly judged you as a dumb girl, but because so many people believes in you, you start to believe in yourself too. 

Go on trips. Find art. Live your own way, don't let the opinions of others drown you again into depression. 

Speak your mind. Don't be afraid.

Stop living in the past. Continue the present, which is glorious. Make the future wonderful. 

You are already 20. Be better the best. 

People might see you as naive, uncaring, indifferent and irresponsible. This is when you prove them wrong. You've caged the responsible and loving part of yourself in your chest for too long. Hidden and Unknown. It's time to let it go. 

Lastly, this is the age when you reach for your dreams. Be a writer, be a traveler, be a fashion journalist, be a financial analyst, find love, go to the best pizzeria, buy that loft you've always dreamed of, try skydiving, write breathtaking books. Be the failure who succeeds. Inspire others. 

Live the twenties life the best way possible!!!