I want to meet a total stranger.
Someone who’s completely clueless about who I am, what I do, and where I come from.
I want to be able to look at you and tell myself that, you can be the one.
I want to sweep you off your feet, and do all the silly things one can do when they’re in love, because I’m a sentimental dreamer, a hopeless romantic. I’ve always been…
I want to bring you food that I prepared myself, because I’m good at it and I know you’ll like it.
I want to write about my feelings for you in post-its and stick it everywhere possible,to remind you of my affection.
I want to drive to where you are randomly and give you flowers, not because there’s a special occasion.
But because you deserve all the flowers in the world and I’ll give it all, if I can.
I want us to hold hands in public, and maybe you will feel a bit wary,
but I will whisper to you and assure you that the society accepts it, that they accept us.
I want to hug you tight when you’re tired from work, kiss you on the forehead
and we’ll talk about what happened to you, and what happened to me that day.
I want to tell all my friends about you. Bring you home to my parents when the timing is right, because I know they’ll love you, but I don’t expect you to do the same.
I want to let you in to my world.
Where it’s sometimes chaotic, but I’m in it nonetheless.
Because I love what I do and I want you to be a part of it too.
I want to make you listen to songs you haven’t heard before,
I’m not sure you’ll like it. But I will anyway, and maybe in time you’ll fall in love with it as much as I am.
In return I will listen to songs you keep bugging me about.
I’m sure I’ll laugh about it and you’ll get annoyed. But I’ll listen to it so we can sing and/or dance to it together.
I want you to get jealous of someone when you feel like it,
because that would secretly make me smile and feel the jitters. But I promise you that I am only yours, and hopefully you’re only mine.
I want you to believe all the rumours about me,
so I can prove them wrong and show you who I really am, and not what they think of me.
I want us to have the worst fights,
Because it’s normal.
I will make up for it. It’s no one’s fault.
We will make mistakes together and we will also learn together.
We will fight because of the same ones, and of course fight because of the new ones.
Why? Because it’s what we do.
To sleepless nights, painting the town red and staying in with nothing to do.
To adventures, misadventures and everything in between
To good days and the bad
Because I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Lastly, I want you to leave me.
So you can come back.
Because no one else did.
With all my love, and all my heart,